The pleasure of eating


3학년 영어과 박명진

교육과정 개요

핵심 개념

Students will have an opportunity to make their favorite food, After reading “The pleasure of eating”. And Students are able to use key terms and expressions related to cooking. Also students are able to explain the cooking recipe and methods step by step.

성취 기준




8점이상 ~ 10


6점이상 ~ 8점미만


4점이상 ~ 6점미만


1점이상 ~ 4점 미만

수업 설계

  . 수업 개관

수업 목적

1. Students are able to use key terms and expressions related to cooking.

2. Students are able to explain the cooking recipe and methods step by step.

수업 방향

  1. and learnig the textbook “pleasure of eating”.
  1. a team and decide the food which the team want to make.
  2. making the food, every members of the team have a presentation about the recipe and their role to make the food as a the participant.


. 수업 전개


수업 차시 안내(5차시 중 4차시 소개)


학습 내용

활동 방법(교수학습)


the innvations of a Great Chef

1. Textbook

2. Computer, DVD-ROM


Making a Recipe

1. Textbook

2. Computer, DVD-ROM



Food making Practice

Group activity



2. Computer, TV Screen



수업 흐름 안내 및 설명(4차시)

  1. and understanding of the textbook, “ The innovation of a Great Chef”
  2. teams and choose their own food to make and explain the recipe
  3. to make food and showing the food with decoration
  4. to the other students about the way to make the food, origin of the food, and their role to make the food

수행과제 혹은 활동지


활동 모습

. 활동 사진



사진 설명: Students made sandwich

사진 설명 : Students made hamburger



사진 설명 : Presentation

사진 설명 : Presentation



. 적용 가능 단원 제안

This model of lesson can be applied to the topics related with food, movie, book, and theater. and so forth.